Our Advanced Dental Treatments
Crowns are full coverage restorations used to cover a tooth that is likely to break or is too broken to be restored with a filling, and is often used on conjunction with a root canal.
Because jaw muscles are the strongest in the human body, teeth are subject to tremendous pressure. Crowns help protect weakened teeth as well as improve smiles.
In just two appointments, any decay is removed, a permanent crown is created using several high-strength materials like porcelain, ceramic, and sometimes gold or a gold alloy, before being adjusted and cemented in place.
There are many different kinds of dentures, all of which help patients eat and talk regularly.
Each case is special and is treated individually to determine which teeth need to be removed due to bone loss
Once accustomed to dentures, a patient returns to the benefits of normal oral function and appearance
Dental implants are one way to replace a missing tooth. A small titanium implant dental is surgically implanted into the bone and is allowed to set, the bone growing around it forming a naturally tight connection.
A replacement tooth is permanently attached to the top of the shaft, and has some advantages over other treatments that may stress surrounding teeth.
Implants can be easily replaced if necessary, and there is no period of adjustment or learning in implants. They act as natural teeth would
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment or endodontic therapy is necessary when a cavity reaches the pulp of the tooth.
Though regular cleanings and checkups help prevent and detect problems early, sometimes deep restorations or tooth trauma can cause a root canal treatment to be necessary.
Infected tooth pulp cannot heal on its own, can weaken the entire immune system and is very painful. A root canal removes the infected pulp from the canals of the tooth before they are fined to prevent further infection.
Root canal therapy isoften performed in conjunction with a core build-up and a crown.
Bridges are one option to fill the space left by a missing tooth, both cosmetically and in function.
It is important for a missing tooth to be replaced as soon as possible, not only for asthetics, but to maintain the health of surrounding teeth, changes in bite, and jaw health — including TMJ prevention, gum disease, and further bone loss.
TMJ Treatments
TMJ stands for Temporal, as in temple area of skull, Mandibular as in mandible, or lower jaw, and Joint as in it's where the head and jaw meet.
Problems in this joint may be caused by a misalignment of the teeth, trauma, or excess muscle tension, and can cause headaches, earaches, trouble or soreness opening and closing the mouth, clicking or popping of the jaw, jaw pain, and soreness that can extent to the entire face.
Each patient is individually evaluated, and solutions from replacing missing teeth, to adjusting bite, to using a plastic mouthguard are aimed to prevent further joint damage and the extreme or possible jaw surgery.